Changes in the Executive Board of a subsidiary of Tallinna Kaubamaja AS, AS TKM King


Former Commercial Director of Kaubamaja AS, Edward Köster, will take the position of the Chairman of the Executive Board and CEO of AS TKM King on 06.12.2013.

The former member of the Executive Board of AS TKM King, Enn Parel, who has held a number of leading positions in companies of Tallinna Kaubamaja Group since 2001, will continue his career outside the companies of Tallinna Kaubamaja Group.

Edward Köster had long-term experiences in trade both inside and outside the companies of Tallinna Kaubamaja Group. Edward Köster started his career in the companies of Tallinna Kaubamaja Group in 2000, as a Marketing Director and then Purchase Director. In 2007-2011, he run a number of chains that form a part of a Finnish company L-Fashion Group, for example, Aleksi 13, Your Face and Luhta. Köster held the position of Trade Director of Kaubamaja AS from 2011.