Here you will find answers to the most common questions about TKM Grupp’s shares and the annual general meeting. If you have additional questions, feel free to contact us via email at

How many shares has TKM Grupp issued?

TKM Grupp has issued 40,729,200 shares. The shares are nominal and have a par value of 40 euro cents. Each share gives one vote at the general meeting. Detailed information about the share can be found here: Shares – TKM Grupp AS

Who are the largest shareholders?

The list of the largest shareholders can be found on the Nasdaq CSD page and also here: Shareholders – TKM Grupp AS

Where can I find information about TKM Grupp’s share price movements?

Information about share price movements can be found on the Nasdaq CSD page. TKM Grupp’s website also provides information about the latest and historical share prices: Shares – TKM Grupp AS

Where are TKM Grupp’s shares traded and what is the short name of the security?

TKM Grupp’s shares have been traded on the Nasdaq Tallinn Stock Exchange since September 6, 1996. The short name of the share is TKM1T.

Where can I find information about past general meetings?

Information about general meetings is published as a stock exchange announcement before the general meeting and on TKM Grupp’s website, where you can also find information about past general meetings: Minutes of general meetings of shareholders – TKM Grupp AS

How to appoint a representative for the shareholder at the general meeting or revoke a given authorization?

Forms to appoint a representative to exercise rights at the general meeting and to cancel the proxy granted by the shareholder are available on the TKM Grupp AS website and attached to the stock exchange announcement convening the general meeting.

How does voting take place before the general meeting?

In accordance with § 298² of the Commercial Code, a shareholder may vote on draft resolutions regarding the agenda items before the general meeting by sending their vote to the company in a form that allows written reproduction. The board will publish a voting ballot for draft resolutions regarding the agenda items on the website or attached to the stock exchange announcement convening the general meeting. For pre-meeting voting, the completed and signed voting ballot must be delivered to the board no later than 12:00 on the day before the general meeting. Ballots received after this deadline will not be counted. If a shareholder submits multiple completed ballots, the one with the latest digital signature timestamp or postmark will be considered valid. Earlier ballots will be considered invalid. Detailed instructions can be found in the invitation to the general meeting and the information published for shareholders.

How to exercise shareholder rights when using a nominee account?

A nominee account is a securities account through which an investment service provider holds securities for another person (client/investor) but in its own name. If a person holds TKM Grupp AS shares in a nominee account, transactions with those shares and the exercise of shareholder rights can be done by the nominee account holder. If a shareholder using a nominee account wishes to attend and vote at the general meeting, they must obtain a proper authorization from the nominee account holder, as shareholders registered in the list of shareholders are registered for the general meeting.

Taxation of dividends when using an investment account?

According to § 41 point 7² and § 43 section 1 point 1¹ of the Income Tax Act, TKM Grupp AS is obliged to withhold income tax on dividends paid to an individual, even if the individual investor holds the shares in an investment account.

For individuals using the investment account system, the dividend payment is recorded as a contribution to the investment account.

Individuals must inform bond issuers paying interest that they are using an investment account, so no income tax is withheld from the interest.